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The Importance of a Mobile-Friendly Website

As mobile technology continues to advance so does its grasp on the internet market share. Today, mobile users make up the majority of all web traffic, roughly 55%, and those numbers are continuing to grow. People are using their mobile devices, now more than ever, to consume digital media, buy products and services online, and engage with the world through an endless market of mobile apps. To stay competitive in this modern marketplace it’s important to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, here are a few of the benefits.

Accessibility: If more than half of your visitors will be accessing your website from a mobile device, it logically follows that having a mobile-friendly website will greatly improve their user experience. Establishing a positive user experience is essential as many visitors (62%) are less likely to purchase products and services from a website they’ve had a poor experience with.

Build Trust: Even if visitors can use a website, the majority (57%), claim that they won’t recommend using a website they consider to be “poorly designed”. First impressions are important, make sure yours is a positive one.

SEO: In 2015, Google expanded their algorithm to consider a website’s mobile-friendliness in determining its ranking. By optimizing your website for mobile devices your prospective visitors will have an easier time finding you.

With over 4 billion people accessing the internet through mobile devices your website must be accessible to this growing demographic. If you’re interested in what you can do to make your website more accessible to mobile users, let us know, we’d love to help!

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The Importance of a Mobile-Friendly Website

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