5 Keys to Successful Digital Marketing in 2019

We can all agree that companies and marketers cannot ignore digital marketing. It is part of our everyday life with multiple touchpoints from the time we wake up until the time we go to bed. This presents marketers with both challenges and opportunities. We are challenged with a cluttered landscape and attention spans that are little to none. However, the surge of technology and big data has allowed us to be where we have never been able to quite get before – in front of a specific person, across multiple platforms in several different environments.

Here are some digital trends and topics to watch in the coming months.

1. Facebook’s future is uncertain.

Yes, Facebook still has well over 2 billion users. Yes, Facebook accounts for 42 percent of monthly social media visits. However, Facebook is losing its younger demographic because of the data breach last year and the platform’s reputation of being a soapbox for political propaganda. Facebook is still very much part of the game, but it’s important for you to consider your audience before determining a social strategy.

2. Younger demographics love Instagram.

I mean who doesn’t? The beautiful photography and video put Instagram in a class all by itself. Instagram makes it easy and convenient for users to upload and share videos and images straight from their mobile device. The platform has already surpassed 1 billion users and continues to climb.

3. Influencer marketing is becoming more dynamic.

When most people think of influencer marketing, they think of big-time celebrities and big-time brands. Kim Kardashian is touting the latest skincare brand or LeBron James wearing Nike. While this is very much still part of the game, a new generation of influencers is taking over the scene. Micro-influencers are on the rise. A micro-influencer is often described as someone who has between 2,000 and 50,000 followers within a specific social platform. They have a focused passion, topic or niche market. Why is this group so important?

a. Their rates tend to be way more cost-effective
b. They have a highly-engaged user audience
c. Their readers are loyal because the content is authentic and personal

4. Don’t ignore video.

If a digital video isn’t part of your current strategy – it should be. Why video? Consumers want it. We know attention spans are continuing to shrink. Video allows marketers to deliver messages more effectively through both sight and sound. It has proven to be more engaging, and consumers are more likely to pay attention. According to HubSpot, mobile video usage has increased by nearly 10 million daily viewing minutes over the last two years. The industry has made significant strides in the ability to create a high-quality customized video for digital/social channels. And the best part? It’s all measurable.

5. Make your emails relevant and personal.

Just as consumers want to control what appears in their social feeds, they want emails containing the content they want to consume. Mass emails are no longer considered effective. It is imperative you gather the data needed to segment your lists and personalize this experience.

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5 Keys to Successful Digital Marketing in 2019

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