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Sarah Nosal

SR Marketing Manager

Growing up in a small farming community in north central Kansas, Sarah learned the values of hard work and dedication early on. Her grandparents farmed wheat, corn, and soybeans on the dry plains, using irrigation to grow their crops. Raising cattle was a primary source of income for her grandpa, who also provided beef to the broader community. This upbringing gave Sarah her first insights into the importance of food production and its role in nourishing people.

Today, Sarah is an innovative force behind some of Omaha, Nebraska’s most unique marketing campaigns. As the Senior Marketing Manager at Envoy Inc., she brings over two decades of expertise in visual design and marketing strategy, combined with a vibrant sense of fun and creativity. Sarah is proficient in analytics, staying current with industry standards, Google Analytics, and digital marketing trends.

She’s the creative pro behind eye-catching logos, engaging e-newsletter campaigns, interactive websites, and effective customer engagement strategies. Sarah excels at crafting strategies that resonate with target audiences.

In her personal life, Sarah is surrounded by family, friends, and live music. She and her husband share a deep love for live music, which is a staple in their free time. As a mother of six unique adult children and nona to four grandsons, family life is a joyful priority for her. Dedication runs deep in her veins, along with a fierce commitment to inclusion and equality.

In another life, I’m pretty sure I was a cat.

The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is your time is worth something – from my Grandpa Bud, who was a farmer and full blooded Swede.

When I was 5, I was pretty sure I’d be a cosmetologist when I grew up.

If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be? (Don’t overthink it!)
On a beach with my husband sipping mango smoothies.

What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?
I am happiest anywhere with my husband. At home, out to dinner, at a concert, with our kids and grandkids, as long as we are together.

What publications do you regularly read?
I read the 1440 e-newsletter every morning. I love the clarity in unbiased reporting and the fun quirky happy stories woven into it.

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