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Jim Wolf

Web Developer

Jim Wolf is a Web Developer on Envoy Inc.’s web development team. Previously, Jim taught graphic design, web design and web development in Omaha & Lincoln. Prior to teaching, he worked in Chicago as a designer and account manager for a design studio, and as an in-house designer for a technology company. So here’s the thing: about every 10 years or so, Jim likes to blow up his current career and try something new (but he’s not sure how many more times he or his husband can withstand that). In his free time, Jim enjoys producing music, and both looking at and coding generative art.

The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is that learning is better than knowing. It was from a podcast on and I wish I could remember the name of the awesome person who said that!

The worst piece of advice I’ve been given was while I was still in high school, I was told I should avoid any career that relied on computers and technology because I didn’t have an aptitude for it. Looking back on who gave me that advice, and the context in which they gave it, I think what they meant was I didn’t have an aptitude for the work they wanted out of me (it was an internship in a technical library). However, to conflate “you’re not a good fit for this job” with “you can’t do anything with technology” speaks more to that person’s lack of vision and mentoring skills. But I guess I owe that person something, because I got over my fear of not knowing how to do something, and am very comfortable seeking advice.

My favorite word that has no direct English translation is “bequem”. Okay I totally lied it has a direct translation; it’s German for “comfortable”. But it’s one of my favorite German words to pronounce: you say “BECK” and then very quickly, so that it runs together, say “vame”.

The most inspiring part of my job is how much my coworkers trust each other to get the job done. There’s none of that over-the-top, sickly sweet positive affirmation crap, just a belief that each of us can handle whatever we’re assigned, and that we’ll do our best. That’s a great assumption to lead with when working with people.

If we held an office talent show, I’d wow everyone with my ability to recite the 23 helping verbs in the English language from memory. See Mrs. B______, I was paying attention.

If I could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, I’d be in Berlin, Germany.

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